Exective Match GALA



“闘い”の新たなステージExective Match GALA[QUOTATION]がパレスホテル東京を舞台に第一回目のゴングを鳴らしました。
Exective Match GALA[QUOTATION](クォーテーション)は、初のK-1全面協力のチャリティーガラです。

K-1 WORLD MAX JAPANトーナメントにて、史上最多3度の優勝を誇る小比類巻貴之氏とともにつくりあげた“闘う”ことで、新たな“挑戦”を越えて生まれる思想を皆で共有する場[QUOTATION]。
エグゼクティブ10組の“闘い”への挑戦、初代K-1チャンピオン アルバート・クラウスと小比類巻貴之の13年ぶりのリング上での再会と闘い、クラウスの息子へと引き継がれる闘いの精神…。闘いの数、それぞれのストーリーが生まれました。

[QUOTATION]は“闘い”をつなぎ、誰かのステージを押し上げるような“挑戦”を応援していきたいという想いから、可能性を拡げることに制約を受けている子どもたちを支援する認定 NPO法人Living in Peaceに収益金の一部を寄付しております。

Amano Creative Studio Inc.は新しいファイティングカルチャーへの挑戦として、企画、プロデュース、制作/演出、グラフィックデザイン、プログラム制作を手掛けました。

Exective Match GALA


Palace Hotel Tokyo

The battle stage of the Executive GALA[QUOTATION]was held at the Tokyo Palace Hotel where the first gong will be heard.
The Executive Match GALA QUOTATION will be the first charity that has full K-1 support.

Martial Art and Charity Gala fused together in a battle in the ring and also on the catwalk at the Tokyo Palace Hotel, showing the beginning of a totally new production that seems to be a fashion show but also was a full-scale battle, fusing these two art forms, with K-1 announcing, K-1 judges, and full K-1 support.

[QUOTATION]was a new challenge, a place where everyone’s imagination was re-born, shared, and fused together beyond any experience felt before. Takayuki Kohiruimaki, the proud three time K-1 champion will helped us build thus battlefield of the K-1 WORLD MAX JAPAN Tournament.
Facing the challenge to “fight”, ten executive matches were planned, culminating in the climax battle between the first ever K-1 champion, Albert Kraus and 3-time champion, Takayuki Kohiruimaki, who have not been in the ring together for 13 years. Can we feel and sense the mind and spirit he has passed down to his champion son...A number of fights all gave birth to amazing stories
From the compassionate thoughts of wanting to support, [QUOTATION] through putting someone on stage and in the limelight to face “challenge”, part of the earnings are donated to the authorized NPO corporation, Living in Peace, who help open up the possibilities in life of children with many limitations, so they can also share the stage and limelight.

Amano Creative Studio Inc. created this new fighting culture as out new challenge, and were involved in planning, producing, directing, staging, graphic designing, and managing the whole program. We are planning this event to be on a regular basis so please look forward to more in the near future.