廣瀬 雄一
"Handcrafted in Tokyo"のプライドをもって、日本の伝統文化を海外へ向けて発信していくため、江戸小紋の染工場から立ちあがった、廣瀬染工場の四代目。400年前からジャポニズムの源流として世界のデザイナーの感性を刺激してきた「粋」を未来にまで残そうと、東京都新宿区・妙正寺川のほとりの工房にて活動中。着物文化を守りつつも、伝統工芸という枠に囚われることなく、海外でも受け入れられやすい新たな分野への挑戦を続けている。そんな試みのもと、2012年よりオリジナルストールのブランド"comment?"(フランス語で「コモン(いかがですか?)」の意)を立ち上げ、シーズン毎に新しいデザインと色を発表。

2000年に英国へ渡りLondon College of Fashionへ留学。在学中にセレクトショップThe Pineal EyeBoutique Londonでバイイングやビジュアルマーチャンダイジングに携わる。一方でフリーランスのバイヤーとしても国内外で活躍。その後は、ファッションジャーナリストに転身し、現在は「繊研新聞」、「装苑」、「SPUR」などにレギュラーで執筆。バイヤー時代の経験を生かしたリポートやトレンドを見いだす審美眼はファッション界からも強い支持を集めている。バイヤー時代からそのユニークなスタイルが注目され、英VOGUEをはじめファッション誌、新聞、WEBなど様々なメディアに取り上げられ、英marie claireのランウェイ号では表紙に登場。最近ではLondon Fashion Weekのオフィシャルブックにマスイユウのロンドンガイドが掲載されるなど、ストリートスナップの常連でもあり世界中にフォロワーを持つファッションアイコンである。
2000年に英国へ渡りLondon College of Fashionへ留学。在学中にセレクトショップThe Pineal EyeBoutique Londonでバイイングやビジュアルマーチャンダイジングに携わる。一方でフリーランスのバイヤーとしても国内外で活躍。その後は、ファッションジャーナリストに転身し、現在は「繊研新聞」、「装苑」、「SPUR」などにレギュラーで執筆。バイヤー時代の経験を生かしたリポートやトレンドを見いだす審美眼はファッション界からも強い支持を集めている。バイヤー時代からそのユニークなスタイルが注目され、英VOGUEをはじめファッション誌、新聞、WEBなど様々なメディアに取り上げられ、英marie claireのランウェイ号では表紙に登場。最近ではLondon Fashion Weekのオフィシャルブックにマスイユウのロンドンガイドが掲載されるなど、ストリートスナップの常連でもあり世界中にフォロワーを持つファッションアイコンである。

Edo Komon ‘Some’ Craftsman
Hirose Dye-Works 4th Generation.
Basing on the concept of “Handcrafted in Tokyo” Edo Komon Hirose emerged from a notable ‘Some (Kimono dye)’ factory to transfer the tradition of Japanese textiles especially to the foreign countries. Currently located near the river of Myosho-ji in Shinjuku-ku (Tokyo) Edo Komon Hirose is pursuing the ‘Iki’ tradition of ‘Japonism’ that inspired many designers around the world since 400 years ago to pass down its techniques to the future generation. At the same time drawing in new and contemporary styles of Edo Komon. Hirose has recently founded an original scarf brand “comment?” that introduces new designs and colors every season. Hirose has a unique background, as he was part of the Japanese Olympic windsurfing team.
Basing on the concept of “Handcrafted in Tokyo” Edo Komon Hirose emerged from a notable ‘Some (Kimono dye)’ factory to transfer the tradition of Japanese textiles especially to the foreign countries. Currently located near the river of Myosho-ji in Shinjuku-ku (Tokyo) Edo Komon Hirose is pursuing the ‘Iki’ tradition of ‘Japonism’ that inspired many designers around the world since 400 years ago to pass down its techniques to the future generation. At the same time drawing in new and contemporary styles of Edo Komon. Hirose has recently founded an original scarf brand “comment?” that introduces new designs and colors every season. Hirose has a unique background, as he was part of the Japanese Olympic windsurfing team.

Fashion Journalist
Born 1979 in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka prefecture (Japan). Known as the big fashion personality.
Moved to London, UK in 2000 and studies at London College of Fashion. During his times at the university Masui gains experience at one of the outstanding boutique in London - The Pineal Eye Boutique London - and takes part in retail buying and visual merchandising. At the same time working as a freelance buyer for both domestic and international market. He then becomes a fashion journalist for The Senken Shimbun, SO-EN and SPUR which he currently writes for. Masui’s unique style and his ability to capture trends has been phenomenal and draw attention from many media including fashion magazines such as British VOGUE and appeared in the front cover of marie claire UK runway edition. Masui’s London Guide also has been featured in the official book of London Fashion Week and occasionally appears in street-style snaps. Having many followers around the world, Masui is becoming well-recognized as a fashion icon in the industry.
Moved to London, UK in 2000 and studies at London College of Fashion. During his times at the university Masui gains experience at one of the outstanding boutique in London - The Pineal Eye Boutique London - and takes part in retail buying and visual merchandising. At the same time working as a freelance buyer for both domestic and international market. He then becomes a fashion journalist for The Senken Shimbun, SO-EN and SPUR which he currently writes for. Masui’s unique style and his ability to capture trends has been phenomenal and draw attention from many media including fashion magazines such as British VOGUE and appeared in the front cover of marie claire UK runway edition. Masui’s London Guide also has been featured in the official book of London Fashion Week and occasionally appears in street-style snaps. Having many followers around the world, Masui is becoming well-recognized as a fashion icon in the industry.