「山口小夜子 未来を着る人」展
Date:2015/4/11 - 6/28
東京都現代美術館「山口小夜子 未来を着る人 」展にて、モデル時代の空間展示構成を手掛けました。
5月30日の宵には、MOTの140Mに渡るエントランスにて「小夜子 光と闇の夜」を開催。
小夜子さんとともに時代を築いたアーティストたちが集結し、パフォーマーたちの演奏、コンテンポラリーダンス、朗読等で魅せる一夜には、小夜子さんの幻影が闇のなかに映像で浮かびあがり、DJ 山口小夜子の音が響きました。
「小夜子 光と闇の夜」出演者
・宇川直宏(with ハチスノイト)
・生西康典:構成/台本、掛川康典:映像、飴屋法水、萌(Moe and ghosts):朗読、藤田陽介:演奏と歌
Sayoko Yamaguchi - The Wearist,
Clothed in the Future
Date:2015/4/11 - 6/28
The Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo
We were involved in space construction at the exhibition of “Sayoko Yamaguchi ? The Wearist, Clothed in the Future” at Tokyo’s Museum of Contemporary Art, exhibiting her era in modelling.
It was a big challenge from the beginning, deciding on what to exhibit in order to show the diversity of the pioneer model, Sayoko Yamaguchi. She was the first top model from Asia, at the beginning of the 1970s to walk the catwalks of the world. She also created and expressed a new beauty in Japanese woman. By showing hundreds of pages from her scrapbook, you can follow her tracks that connect different generations, different genres, and East and West. We also showed a slideshow using projection mapping that brightly revived Sayoko’s extraordinary life.
On the night of May 30th, “Sayoko ? an evening of light and darkness” was held at the 140 meters long entrance of MOT. Many artists who created the era with Sayoko, gathered to perform music, contemporary dance, and read aloud on stage. On this evening, Sayoko’s illusion was projected in the darkness and music she DJ-ed welcomed the guests.